Saturday, May 24, 2008

Ingrid, a bike, and a sidewalk ramp


this week has been very stressful for me. Monday night at 9:00 pm Ingrid called me and asked me to pick her and I quote "I straight rocket launched off my bike from a ramp on the sidewalk". I got there in 5 minutes to find her face bleeding and tears in her big eyes, that so reminded me of Lex. I rush her to the UCLA medical center emergency room where we wait three hours to see a Dr. and get drugs. She had a gash on her chin, a fractured jaw and a fractured right arm. She was admitted to the hospital at 9:00 am the following day. She was released from the hospital yesterday after having her jaw wired shut to heal. Overall Ingrid has been in good spirits over this ordeal. She will be resting at home for the next two weeks and will be on a liquid diet due to her lock jaw! See the photo! Yawza:)

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Wow I can hardly wrap my head around that I am now out of my twenties. It honestly seems like I just walked in to my first day at Select Personnel in Santa Monica with only server experience to get me the job. Living in Los Angeles the past ten years through my twenties has made a mark on me and I will always look at this time fondly and with inspiration, because wow I sure accomplished many things. I ran a marathon, graduated from college, finally got a cell phone, actually paid and do pay for valet parking, don't sleep in a bunk bed, still have my booty, sunbathing has become a hobby, many free movie screenings, riding public transportation, know my way around a kitchen, yogasize, seen friends become parents, lawyers, Doctors and Professors. Time marches on and as always one thing is consistent, each day we get older and wiser. Here I am at thirty - eat your heart out!