Saturday, April 19, 2008

America Idol Fans WAKE UP!

For the third week in a row I am shocked that Sayesha Mercado has NOT been voted off American Idol. I have been waiting patiently for other voting Americans (we all know that a small number of us phone it to 1-866-idols01) to wake up and get the personalityless Sayesha off the stage. I mean Michael Johns was the last person I expected in the bottom three a few weeks ago let alone to be cast off the show so soon. I know he might not have been the one to take the title, but he should have lasted past Sayesha and Cristy Lee Cook.

I plead to those who are not voting to VOTE and VOTE HARD!


H and E said...

I would just like to let you know I do vote and i feel your pain, Sayesha can go!

Hild Family said...

Hey Greta! I didn't know you had a blog! I found you through Hank & Em. Now we can keep in touch a little better! Hope you're doing well. We miss you!